School Philosophy

Kitimat City High is an Alternate School for studetns who are experiencing academic, behavioral and or social difficulties within the context of the traditional school setting.  These students are usually referred to us or have dropped out.  Either way, we provide a “second” chance for studetns to achieve success by earning a Dogwood Cerificate or by helping them re-enter the traditional larger school.  Our individual based education program provides students flexibility in a highly structured environment.  Students are assisted by staff members with personal and life skills guidance; as each student is assigned a sponsor who acts as a mentor.  The staff believes that social responsibility can be developed in a learning environment where democratic living, learning and respect are paramount, and individuals are motivated to actively explore their passions and their connection to the greater community.

School Philosophy

Mission Statement – The comforable, welcoming, inclusive atmosphere at Kitimat City High will facilitate the celebration of learning, self esteem, safety and empowerment of all.


1.  To create a positive “family-like” atmosphere in our school community

2.  To support all learning styles and abilities

3.  To promote respect for oneself and others

4.  To foster self-discipline and responsibility

Code of Conduct

A code of conduct helps all members of our school (staff, students and guests) act in a cooperative and appropriate community manner.  It is expected that students will abide by the school’s code of conduct going to and from school, on school busses and at school functions wherever held.  Our code of conduct is clear that:  “Every child deserves an education free from discrimation, bullying, harassment, intimidation and violence.”

Students know that to be successful at Kitimat City High, they will embrace this code: