Contract System

One very important part of the success of the program is the student accountability.  The student contract is a written agreement outlining the academic and social/behavioural responsibility required from a student attending KCH.  Studetns may receive three (3) contracts per school year.  In the event of a contract cancellation, both the student and parent/guardian are notified as soon as possible by staff.  The student, if eligible for another contract, continues to attend, follows school rules and has a week to complete all expectations assigned on a memo.

CONTRACT cancellations is automatic for skipping.  A contract also may be cancelled or a student may lose thier seat as a result of an act of gross misconduct either during or outside of school hours.

Students lose their contract if they accumulate a total of eight (8) pionts per month.  Complaints in the areas of attendance, work and behaviour are tallied weekly.  Points are reveiwed by the entire staff at the regular Friday case conference or at special meetings.  Points are recorded on a board that is displayed in the hallway so that students are aware at all times of their status in the program.  Students who abuse their contracts consistently may have the number of contracts reduced at the discretion of the staff.