A contract is cancelled automatically for skipping. Students are allowed eight (8) excused late (no points) per month.
- Students who phone KCH by 9:30am and are at school by 10:00am will be assessed a penalty of one (1) excused late against their contract
- Students who phone KCH by 1pm and are at school by 1:30pm will be assessed a penalty of one (1) excused late against their contract
- Students who meet the phone deadlines listed above but who fail to arrive at KCH within the time period allotted will be assessed a penalty of two (2) excused lates against their contract.
- Students who do not phone in by 9:30am when they are going to be late will be assessed a penalty of two excused lates against their contract.
- Students who are absent without notice or who arrive extremely late, after 10:30am or 1:30pm will have four (4) points assessed for the morning and four (4) points for the afternoon.
- Students who acquire more than eight (8) excused lates (or absences) per month will have each an additional one counted as a point against their contract